Eagle River Report is a page where we will be keeping a log of the camp activity, as well as river conditions, and news from Eagle River. Sign up for the RSS feed by clicking the orange icon to the right and you will receive all updates by email. Wondering what water levels are like? go to Canada's Hydrometric Data site for the Eagle River by clicking this link: Eagle River Water Level
"This place is Salmon Heaven"
Posted 17 July 2024, 9:09 am NDT

Mac and Steve have landed a few beauties this week. Couple of 15-16 lbers here, and Jeff with New Fly Fisher as guide, Bob, dips his catch!
(larger version)
Title quote taken from commentary made by Jeff Parks, with 'The New Fly Fisher' TV in commentary on his instagram account. It has been that kind of week for him. More below on that.
This has been a great week so far here at Pratt Falls Lodge. The weather couldn't have been ordered any better. Cool nights, moderate days in the mid teens to low twenties, and just enough rain to stop the water level drop and hold the river at 1.8m or about 150m3/s. The fishing has been overall good but not steady. A series of hot sessions and slower sessions. Seems we are relying on fresh fish coming in which is often the case here, being so close to salt water and incredibly fresh and bright fish. The Lower Eagle fishery seems to rarely have fish just hanging around pools for any length of time. They are on the move if the river is ripe for it, and is much of the reason why our strain of fish are so notably feisty. A grilse here can strip you well into backing, and a larger salmon can take it all!
The group here now knows all about it. They've been fishing with us as a group for 16 seasons straight, and some of them for over 20 years. The Eagle keeps them wanting more and our lodge is like home to them. We love to see them back every year! Janet knows their favourite treats from the kitchen, and they know every nook and cranny where fish lay on the river. Guides are old friends, and salmon brings us together for 7 days each year. It really is wonderful.
Joining them is 'New Fly Fisher' TV host and camera man. They are getting a real treat. In company with a great group, and into salmon like they have not seen before. Host, Jeff, is a steelhead specialist and new to atlantic salmon. He has been into big fish, grilse, and learning a lot. I returned to the lodge after their first two days here and asked how things were going. The response, "Man, we have all the elements of a great show! Have great action shots, dry fly takes, releases ". Needless to say we're looking forward to the TV episode this winter. Be sure to check out @calmwatersflyfishing on instagram to follow host, Jeff Parks.
The river is in good shape, the forecast is beautiful with cold temps and rain into the long range. Hopefully we don't get any mid to late season floods as it tends to slow the action. Just slow increases in water level or even holding it where it is would be just great! And, if you have space in your schedule and a trip to Eagle is on your bucket list, we have some space. Next week, July 24-29 and July 29-Aug 3 we have some space. Call or email to get in on it!
This has been a great week so far here at Pratt Falls Lodge. The weather couldn't have been ordered any better. Cool nights, moderate days in the mid teens to low twenties, and just enough rain to stop the water level drop and hold the river at 1.8m or about 150m3/s. The fishing has been overall good but not steady. A series of hot sessions and slower sessions. Seems we are relying on fresh fish coming in which is often the case here, being so close to salt water and incredibly fresh and bright fish. The Lower Eagle fishery seems to rarely have fish just hanging around pools for any length of time. They are on the move if the river is ripe for it, and is much of the reason why our strain of fish are so notably feisty. A grilse here can strip you well into backing, and a larger salmon can take it all!
The group here now knows all about it. They've been fishing with us as a group for 16 seasons straight, and some of them for over 20 years. The Eagle keeps them wanting more and our lodge is like home to them. We love to see them back every year! Janet knows their favourite treats from the kitchen, and they know every nook and cranny where fish lay on the river. Guides are old friends, and salmon brings us together for 7 days each year. It really is wonderful.
Joining them is 'New Fly Fisher' TV host and camera man. They are getting a real treat. In company with a great group, and into salmon like they have not seen before. Host, Jeff, is a steelhead specialist and new to atlantic salmon. He has been into big fish, grilse, and learning a lot. I returned to the lodge after their first two days here and asked how things were going. The response, "Man, we have all the elements of a great show! Have great action shots, dry fly takes, releases ". Needless to say we're looking forward to the TV episode this winter. Be sure to check out @calmwatersflyfishing on instagram to follow host, Jeff Parks.
The river is in good shape, the forecast is beautiful with cold temps and rain into the long range. Hopefully we don't get any mid to late season floods as it tends to slow the action. Just slow increases in water level or even holding it where it is would be just great! And, if you have space in your schedule and a trip to Eagle is on your bucket list, we have some space. Next week, July 24-29 and July 29-Aug 3 we have some space. Call or email to get in on it!