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Pratt Falls Salmon Lodge
World Class Salmon Angling
Eagle River, Labrador
Eagle River Report is a page where we will be keeping a log of the camp activity, as well as river conditions, and news from Eagle River. Sign up for the RSS feed by clicking the orange icon to the right and you will receive all updates by email. Wondering what water levels are like? go to Canada's Hydrometric Data site for the Eagle River by clicking this link: Eagle River Water Level
Posted 16 July 2020, 8:30 am NDT
8 yo old, Blake, with his first ever salmon! (larger version)
The weather is not favourable for angling atlantic salmon. We are lucky to still have good flow in the river to combat the bright days and 30 deg C heat. The river is getting warm and once the bright sun gets in full force the fishing slows drastically. I like to look at it as an automatic defence that the atlantic salmon has. They can't metabolize and recover as well in warm water. They are also very hard to hook in warm water.

That said, the river has a lot of fish in it. I went out...
Posted 13 July 2020, 9:42 pm NDT
Ryan plays a fish in Backriver. (larger version)
The fishing has been great since our last update. We had new guests arrive Friday and yesterday. Some rookies in the mix and both of them had some action in their very first sessions here on the Eagle! Experienced anglers are doing very well. There's still a good mix of large salmon and the grilse run seems to now be pouring on strong. Some of our guides have reported seeing pools 'alive' with fish.

The weather over the weekend was hot. Blistering hot and windy. The water continued...
Posted 10 July 2020, 6:31 pm NDT
Nice one, Robert! (larger version)
The last few days has seen Eagle's water level drop to a good fishing level. The water is still cool at around 61-62 C, but as the level drops and bright sun hammers the sand bars up river it will no doubt warm up. If the water level continues to fall we might actually get into the boulder field for the first time in years! That would be nice. There is still more water than needed and fish are not holding up for long.

Our first group left today after a week of fishing. They had some...
Posted 04 July 2020, 7:50 pm NDT
Fong with a beaut! (larger version)
Happy 4th of July to our friends south of the border in the USA who might be tuning in to the Eagle River Report!

The last few days has seen nothing but steady improvement in the action and river conditions. The camp has been hooking a lot of large fish and there are a few grilse in the mix. Reports of some real monsters in the mix in the 30lb range. Dave is here and says he hooked biggest fish he ever seen here yesterday. I told him no picture, no fish! With 30 years of Eagle experience...
Posted 01 July 2020, 11:16 am NDT
Hello everyone, and welcome back to the Eagle River Report for the start of our 2020 season. Also, HAPPY CANADA DAY!! We love our country and the opportunities it provides us all to work and play freely. It certainly has been a different preseason for us. Covid-19 threw us a curveball and left us unable to host many of our national and international guests. We will certainly miss you all and hopefully see you in 2021. We hope you are all safe as the pandemic runs its course.

We've been...
Posted 17 September 2019, 1:14 pm NDT
We fished both Eagle and White Bear rivers from Aug 29- Sept 8, and while the weather was challenging with the tail of Hurrican Dorian flying through, there were still fish to be caught and nice weather moments poked in there between nature's fury! Rivers were already high, and Dorian's rain brought them up more. and with a few frosty nights the river water temps were in the low 50's F.

With 4 rods fishing part time we managed to still get a few fish and the group had a CPUE of .98, nearly a...
Posted 13 August 2019, 10:06 pm NDT
Tough week but not a bust! (larger version)
Well, to say it was a tough 5 days of fishing as compared to our usual standards would be putting it mildly. Our guests managed to hook into 15 on Eagle and had a little better success on our visits to White Bear.

We had what I would call a perfect storm. The tides were neap meaning at their point in the moon phase with the least variance. This always results in slower fishing. But to be combined with an already high and cold river that was rising most of the week was a guaranteed recipe...
Posted 07 August 2019, 12:55 am NDT
This group had it tough, but they weren’t without a few hook ups to put a smile on their face! (larger version)
...It's an analogy I've used a few times over the years to describe what happens when the river rises. The only difference is that when you flush, it all goes downstream. When the river rises, the fish all go upstream.

Unfortunately for our guests that is what happened this week. All was not lost as a bunch of rookies did manage to hook up, and the first day before the river took off rising was good fishing. But, overall it was a very slow few days with most guides reporting only a few...
Posted 03 August 2019, 12:17 am NDT
A leaper on in Pratts! (larger version)
Our 6th group of the 2019 salmon season has just departed. They were all new guests that we had not met before. With that comes expectations, and some excitement and anticipation. We pray for good fishing and weather so we can do what we do best and always hope to impress. People think we are in the business of salmon. I guess we are, but we are just as much in the business of people. This group had representation from a few corners of the world with diverse backgrounds and it was a real...
Posted 30 July 2019, 8:49 am NDT
Shirley with a nice salmon, and Bill with his first ever atlantic salmon (grilse). (larger version)
Another happy group has just departed and we welcome a group of all new faces today! We're excited to be introducing them to the Lower Eagle and also excited to have a few rookie anglers amongst them.

Now let's talk about those rookie anglers and last week's rookie, Bill. Never caught an atlantic salmon before. "Hope you're ready for a greenhorn", he said. Somewhat nervous of his skill level I think. Well, Bill proceeded to hook his first one on his first session with Theodore, and...
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