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Pratt Falls Salmon Lodge
World Class Salmon Angling
Eagle River, Labrador
Eagle River Report is a page where we will be keeping a log of the camp activity, as well as river conditions, and news from Eagle River. Sign up for the RSS feed by clicking the orange icon to the right and you will receive all updates by email. Wondering what water levels are like? go to Canada's Hydrometric Data site for the Eagle River by clicking this link: Eagle River Water Level
Posted 28 July 2021, 6:46 am NDT
John and Lauren with a double header. And fishing Govnors...from knee deep water. (larger version)
Labrador in general is dry as tinder right now. The Eagle, now at a flow of 90 cubic meters per second, is a shadow of its normal self. Lowest we have seen it this time of year in my memory. 1.35m. Cool nights, and an abundance of fish still trying to get in the river have been the key to our anglers success. Most days this week the water temperature starts at 62F and goes up to 68F by end of day.

There have been plenty of fresh fish, and some beautiful maxi grilse coming in. Also still...
Posted 22 July 2021, 9:26 pm NDT
Guide, Beat, holds one up for a quick photo with Ray. (larger version)
We often have first time anglers to Eagle that smash their personal bests in the hook up numbers. That's fun and wonderful, but when a few guys out of a group of 10 that have been fishing here for 20+ years have personal's a statement that the fish runs are having a great year. The action has been excellent all season, and this week is no different.

However, the action has slowed some the past couple days with the water getting low. Water temps have cooled a little since...
Posted 16 July 2021, 11:55 am NDT
Nice one, caught and released by Harry this week! (larger version)
"I caught 2 salmon in my lifetime, until now, when I've hooked more than I'll likely ever see again", was the comment from one Eagle River beginner when I arrived at the lodge yesterday and asked the golden question: "How's the fishing?". Last night was a celebration of a fantastic week for this group. 10 year repeat offender, Chris, added, "Dwight, everything was fantastic. The fishing, your staff, the food. This was one to remember"

As a host/outfitter it certainly does make the job...
Posted 11 July 2021, 6:51 am NDT
Lovely fish caught by Jim this week. Out of the water for a quick photo, and returned to continue her spawning journey. (larger version)
The float plane will be in the air shortly, it is a beautiful day, and every guest leaving the lodge today has aslmon fishing stories and memories to last a lifetime. This was a great week on the Eagle. River conditions were excellent, the fish have been in steady fresh supply, and our guests have been hooking up. We have some great stories of lost and found lines, one with a fish still on it that was reeled in hand over elbow, and another of an entirely lost rod! Guide, Bob, tied a fly on...
Posted 06 July 2021, 12:19 pm NDT
What a beautiful acrobat! (larger version)
Y'know that scene in Lord of the Rings, where Froto Baggins excitedly yells, "The eagles are coming!!" When the Eagle's show up and take out the nazgul? Sorry, movie geek out moment here. Well, the excitement is similar here when those first big grilse show up. A guest remarked when his fishing buddy latched onto his first maxi-grilse yesterday,(after seeing nearly all big fish the last 5 days), and it stripped his reel well into the backing! They are powerful fish, and there is a lot of...
Posted 04 July 2021, 8:00 pm NDT
Guide Sonny with guest Dave and a nice salmon. (larger version)
A little mechanical trouble delayed my arrival to the lodge yesterday, but it was nice to get there and be approached by some happy guests about their experience so far since arriving on Thursday. The fishing has been good, the food, weather, guiding. All great commented one guest. We're thrilled to hear that as it is always our goal to ensure you have a great time when we host you on the Eagle.

Lets talk about the fish. Everyone has been hooking up. Not huge numbers of fish being caught,...
Posted 29 June 2021, 7:18 pm NDT
Hey all! We hope you have wintered well and didn't catch the Covid blues. We are thrilled to be fired up for another season here on the beautiful and bountiful Eagle River. Mother Nature spat on our predictions, as we have been saying the river would be low for the season start this year, seeing the spring thaw happened about 6 weeks early. Not the case. More than enough water is what we have, but it has been dropping at a good pace the last 36hrs or so. There were some hard showers...
Posted 02 August 2020, 10:50 pm NDT
Matt with a tight line in ‘The Bathtub’ this morning (larger version)
One thing that can be said about this season is that it has been quite steady success for our anglers. Likely related to the steady decrease in water. The weather cooled a bit for most of last week and water temps went back to 64-65 F for several days. Our guests that left on Saturday averaged 15-20 each for their stay. Our incoming trio of Dad and two sons have had some success with 3 apiece. Not bad in what are now tough conditions. The weather was hot yesterday and extremely hot today...
Posted 28 July 2020, 6:50 am NDT
Brian with a nice grilse! (larger version)
The river is now the lowest we have seen it for years during our fishing season, and it is a nice treat! It makes for slightly more difficult navigation, but good fishing! There's not a ton of fish in the river, but they are holding up quite good in some of the top pools, and fresh fish continue to trickle in. Reports from net fishers in the bay indicate that there are still plenty of fish in the bay so we expect some good fishing for a while yet.

Our departing group had a great week!...
Posted 20 July 2020, 1:29 pm NDT
Pat fights this spunky salmon! King of sportfish indeed! (larger version)
We have been in a heat wave for days now. Air temps in the low to mid 30s C every day for days now. I'm a bit surprised with the flow of the river. It is holding up very well. Still above 2m and while the mid day water temps peak around 70-72F, the temp was reading at 66F this morning.

There is a healthy run of grilse on with a mix of about 15% large. Everyone is hooking up and most boats are getting the limit every day. That action is taking place in the early morning and evening....
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